
Leviathan Dice

Created by Morgan Hubbart

RPG Dice Sets to fit everyone's style.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update Addresses!! + some previews.
over 4 years ago – Sat, Aug 08, 2020 at 02:14:40 AM

Hello everyone, 

The dice are still on a boat. I recently spoke with the manufacturer, they said they should arrive mid August, so Ideally, we'll start shipping in the next few weeks.

Please ensure that your address on Backerkit is up to date. 48 hours before we do ship there will be another update with emails sent from backerkit with notice to update addresses. 

You can Retrieve your survey here: 

If that is not working out for you, email [email protected] for support. 

That said here are some pictures of a few tester sets.  These are the other Halloween dice we have been working on. With how long its taking to produce dice and shipping with Covid-19 restrictions, their just going to be part of the next kickstarter. These two sets are made with two transparent colors and one opaque with Opal Glitter and Gold leafing. One set is Purple themed in color while the other is Blue themed in color. 

General Update. + Tester set previews.
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 12:17:20 AM

Hello Everyone,

There is not really anything going on right now. The dice are still on a boat, we're hoping to have them in 2-3 weeks. I'll update when we get them or about every two weeks. :)

On another note, we have some new reveal images for sample dice sets. (Proper images of the Ghost sets.) enjoy :D

As always thanks for the support, stay safe everyone. -Morgan 

Ghost Gore. Light gray dice with holographic reflective flakes and Blood Red Font and our Ghost logo in the 20 spot.
Ghost Crystal. Translucent Dice with holographic reflective flakes and Black font and our Ghost logo in the 20 spot.

Update and Tester set previews
over 4 years ago – Mon, Jul 06, 2020 at 11:31:49 PM

Hello, Everyone. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

There is not a lot of info to update, The dice are on a boat and everything else is here and ready for packing and shipping once we get them.

We got some pictures of our new testers, there was a little mix-up with the new storm sets. The storm sets have a shimmer black layer with translucent top and color swirl. Blood Storm and Pink Storm, they gave us shimmer through the whole set. They are both beautiful however We're discussing having them remade to match the storm line or keeping these ones with shimmer through out. We appreciate feedback so what does everyone think? 

As always thanks for the support and stay safe. -Morgan 

Blood storm (left) Pink Storm (middle) Silver Storm (right)
Blood storm (left) Pink Storm (middle) Silver Storm (right)
Blood storm (left) Pink Storm (middle) Silver Storm (right)
Blood storm (left) Pink Storm (middle) Silver Storm (right)
Blood Storm
Pink Storm

Dice shipping and Previews
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 03:03:33 PM

Hi everyone, I'm excited to say they finally finished production on the dice, YAY!!! 

Now for the not as happy news. Originally we paid to ship air so we would get the product ASAP but the cost of shipping since march went up 110%. Our other more affordable option is to go by boat which takes about 30 days to get to the US and another 5-7 days through the Delivery service once it arrives. It's a hard decision because we want them asap but we have to consider our shipping budget, we have additional concerns with potential raised shipping prices in general with fulfilling, so we think it will be best to go with the boat option. 

The good news is we will still have the dice by the end of July beginning of August. We are still on target for everything to be shipped out by October so this is not really a set back I just want to be really transparent and keep you all in the loop as much as possible.

Pictures of the next line of Leviathan dice and Halloween Ghost dice are starting to come in now as they are completed, I'm to excited to keep this to myself so here is the first sneak peak. Let me know what you think.  

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Thanks for all the support -Morgan 

Emerald Stars
Phantom Ghost (Working on the name and we might try out a white font instead of red)
Fusion Harlequin Red/Black

Final stages on RETAIL packaging.
over 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 01:11:29 PM

Got in the inserts for the retail packaging in today, I'm pretty thrilled with how this has come together so smoothly. Sorry for the poor image quality, my phone sucks. 

I hope everyone is in good health and staying safe :D
